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Adi Smolar
Love Goes Through the Stomach
When the two young people met,
they were just happy.
They didn't wonder,
who will cook what.
Love stops the appetite,
whoever has been in love knows that.
Everything else is going through your head,
like what to have for lunch.
But recently I saw them,
they were sad.
He was all pale eating a sandwich,
she was crying.
Dear gentlemen, dear ladies,
love goes through the stomach.
If you want peace at home so much,
with bad food, a fight will be born.
The solution is as simple as possible,
exchange recipes, but not your partner!
Love has always been helped
by good home cooking.
They lived a rather complicated life
for about twenty years,
but then they had
dinner with the neighbor.
Since then, the husband has been running around,
he has completely changed.
He has been looking at the neighbor more and more,
But the woman was struggling.
Reva still despaired:
The old pick is falling in love!
Finally, she just realized
that only the vamp is drawing him to the neighbor.
Dear gentlemen, dear ladies,
love goes through the stomach.
No matter how much you want peace at home,
with bad food, quarrels will be born.
The solution is as simple as possible,
change the recipes, but not the partner!
Love has always been helped by
good home cooking.
In marriage, you somehow forget
because you get used to your partner,
but there is no time.
So cook something good for him,
with this you can say:
I'm happy that we're still together,
I love you, you know.
For my wife, I prepare a pizza
and a big pile of salads.
Then we sing dessert,
dessert is followed by a kiss.
Dear gentlemen, dear ladies,
love goes through the stomach.
If you still want peace at home so much,
with bad food, quarrels will be born.
The solution is as simple as possible,
change the recipes, but not the partner!
Love has always helped
a good home kitchen.