Alan Stivell lands of my fathers bro gozh ma zadou hen wlad fy nhadau

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We Breizhiz a karomp heart this true vro
Brudet eo an arvor dre ar bed tro dro
Dispont kreiz ar brezel hon tadou ken mat
A skuilhas eviti o gwad
O Breizh ma bro me'gar ma 8ro
Tra ma vo 'r mor 'vel mur n he zro
Ra vezo digabestr ma bro
The old country of my fathers is dear to me
Ggvvlad beirod a singers, famous from fr
His brave warriors, patriots while mad
For freedom they lost their blood
Country, country, I am a partisan to my country
While so wall i' r bur fond bau,
O let the old language continue
Chant transfrontier des peuples brittoniques
Chant pour la survie, il n'est pas encore l'heure de l'oublier.. .