Anabioz fires of war

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There's no beauty in bloody fight:
Cut, kill to stay alive!
Blood squelches under horse's hoof,
Roar of an armour, shout of people.
My sword is covered with blood,
Who stands in my way - head's out!
Faces of friends are distorted.
It's the true - the true of war!
Enemies and friends are dying,
We can't offer our grounds.
Eyes are full of black fury:
It's the true - the true of war!
Wounds are streaming with blood,
Eyes are dimmed in red.
Ring of bow-string as a whistle of wind!
It's the true - the true of war!
The sunset has faded in sky,
We have not receded on a step
The enemy has chocked in our blood,
It's the true - the true of war!
Somebody lost their fathers or sons,
Somebody hasn't left out from battle.
Who were searching for glory are dead.
It's the true - black true of war!
But every warrior
Fighting for
Freedom of their
Their native land.
For that they ready
To die with faith
In their heart
With sword in hand!
The sun eclipsed by smoke
Of fires of war.
It gazing through veil
As bloody eye
I will fly like white
White bird
Flashing among
Crows black wings
So much pain
Was absorbed this
This ground
So much fallen
Around of me.
I'm searching for you
Among dead bodies
But it's so dark
In my eyes from weeping...