Avraham Fried vezakeini

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Ve'zakeini le'gadeil banim u'vnei vanim chachamim u'nivonim,
he is also Hashem, yir'ei Elokim,
anshei emes, zerah kodesh, ba'Hashem d'veikim,
u'mi'irim is ha'olam baTorah u'v'ma'asim tovim,
u've'chol mi'leches avodas ha'Borei.
Give me the privilege to raise children and grandchildren who are wise and understanding,
who love Hashem and fear Hashem,
people of truth, offspring that are holy, who to Hashem are attached,
(who) illuminate the world with Torah and with deeds that are good,
and with every labor in the service of the Creator.