Clutch outland special clearance bonus track

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I did an interview with Alex Jones a year ago, saying nothing to nobody
Nevertheless, my chop's still getting busted, accusing me of working under commission from illuminatis
Oh, that's cold blooded! I feel my body temperature start to rise
I'll meet you on the metaphysical field of battle, now stand aside and let me supervise
Don't judge me by appearance, I'm fully licensed
I have special clearance
You want the job done right, come to me
Special clearance
If it/this were easy, everybody would do it
I don't know if you believe in destiny, or something more empirical
But here in the blast zone working undercover, there's no time to pray for miracles (oh no)
The power of positive thinking ain't no joke, let me give a demonstration
To make a living while working in the vacuum of space takes tremendous concentration
It is my intention to trancede nature, I have a supernatural plan
I have many mouths to feed, for I am the father of the hydra
I grind it out, gettin' white hot
Don't judge me by appearance, I'm fully licensed
I have special clearance
Regarding all the negative press you read inside the supermarket
I'm not the demon that they make me out to be, if you gave me just a minute, I'd love to tell you all about it
I thrive on chaos and mayhem, bring on the panic
Check out these ill, primitive livin' skills, they run deep
Hey, it's automatic
Special clearance
If this were easy, everybody would do it
Special clearance
If this were easy, everybody would do it