Dozi ou ryperd

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Old Riding Horse, we ride the road together
Old Riding Horse, through life's lanes this way
When your riding day is over,
May your old body rest well
You, old Riding Horse of mine< br/>Just chase old mate
The moon is shining bright tonight
Just chase old mate
My pretty little girl she is waiting for me tonight
Oh hear how the fox howls on the river 's bridge
And carry me on your nice old back
Hurry old mate,
because my little girl she's waiting there tonight
Yippie Yippie Yip (x2)
My old horse
There is feed and rest
And you do your best my old horse
Carry me over the river's bridge
Carry me on your licky old back
Na my invite Sannie
Aunt Annie's daughter on the farm
Old Ryperd, we ride the road together
Old Ryperd, through life's lanes like this
When your riding day is over,
Will your old body rest well
You, old Ryperd of mine
Carry me over the river's bridge
Carry me on your nice old back
To my invitation Sannie
The daughter of Aunt Annie on the farm (3x)