Elisabeth Soundtrack de apocalyps

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Elisabeth Soundtrack
The Apocalypse
PROFESSOR: What's in the serial?
JOURNALIST: How did the broth taste?
STUDENT: Who's playing cards? about the pot?
BOHEMIAN: My God, I feel bad again
POET: Our young empress cries all day long
She hasn't eaten anything since she lost her child
BOHEMIAN: A Viennese Melange
LUCHENI: She's pregnant again
PROFESSOR: She no longer shows her belly
JOURNALIST: It's about time that an heir to the throne comes along
JOURNALIST: In the Renz circus she was recently a guest again
PROFESSOR: The mother of the emperor did not think that was appropriate
ALL: Tired of everything we hang around in the cafe
Waiting yawning until the apocalypse comes
LUCHENI: Swiss! They know everything, they know nothing! They sit there,
periginare el tempo, killing time, day in and day out!
POET: Another year used up
BOHEMIAN: What difference does it make anyway?
PROFESSOR: Now we're going to have a problem with God
STUDENT: Who's playing cards?
JOURNALIST: Our young emperor is receiving a lot of criticism
No one supports his politics
BOHEMIAN: I'd like a liqueur
PROFESSOR: That cruel Crimean war did our country no good
JOURNALIST: So that Austria now finds itself completely alone
PROFESSOR: France, England, Russia already form a front
Now suddenly fighting Piedmont again
ALL: Tired of everything we hang around in the café
Waiting gapingly until the apocalypse comes
STUDENT: This time it was a son, who would have believed that!
POET: Immediately stolen from the mother again
JOURNALIST: Even in public she praises the Hungarian
PROFESSOR: Does she think liberally?
BOHEMIAN: Is is she radical?
ALL: She is a special woman
Tired of everything until the Apocalypse comes
LUCHENI: When Rudolf saw the light
The mother tormented in childbirth a horrible dream
She saw red flags
People threatened her with their fists
Lurid display of power
She saw barricades
And who was standing above that as the main character
Yes, her very own son
POET: Extravagant!
BOHEMIAN: Really decadent
STUDENT & PROFESSOR: Austria ripe for a parliament!
ALL: Tired of everything we hang around in the café
br/>Waiting yawning until the apocalypse comes
Tired of everything we hang around in the cafe
Waiting yawning until the apocalypse comes
CUSTOMERS: âI don't care
Let us play
Torturing songs
Being bored
Like so many others
So blase!