Fronda festa

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Of course I'm behind, because the bar was free
Beer, wine and a shot that tasted like licorice
Oh crazy often I swiped a glass of vodka
So what's going on today? Today I just want to drink.
My head hurts a lot
And I promise myself never to sip alcohol again
Drinking, yes partying ballast and greeting everyone,
But now I want to be left alone with my thoughts.
No one super like me, when I'm out on the town
But wake up miserable today without any study grant
You start to remember what the hell I did yesterday
The booze oh shit it hits o I thought I was hard
I stomp forward and hit everyone like hell
So if I fall somewhere, can I even be called a man
Yesterday I was only surrounded by alcohol ,
But today my only spontaneous thought is Alvedon. >But they got a hangover the next day x2
I fell asleep quickly but woke up slowly
Of course I was packed but today I'm going to relax
I partied, drank beer and spirits,
That became the path of destiny now and I'm sluggish and tired
I was king for a day In some strange bar
But I wonder today, do I have a few hundred rings left
Poor and tough, just want to relax,
Why are you more drunk, why did I drink more
Yesterday they partied yes, until I could barely stand
Why did yes drink so hard, should they have realized then
That today yes would feel like i look,
Look hurt, can't they just be over
My head is pounding, I feel so bad
I can't chill, the world doesn't stand still
I'm going don't drink any more, they're over my friend
No, damn it, I'm going out tonight
Yesterday I partied like a party should
There was a hangover the next day
Yesterday I purged a lot glass In a sefar?
But they became a hangover the next day x4