Ina frizzy heart

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I have cold and you are not here
I was sick an, you Did not know
HOURS are passing and you are not with me
when you spike at me don’t call me anymore ,
my Love.
If you don’t love me more.
I am telling you to go
Only god knows how much I had loved you
If another women is standing next to you
With her you now go.
Just one thing I wanna know
If you really loved me too?
Don’t make me suffer more so
Go Go Go
Iwill promise I won’t never look back to you
Sun can ‘t melt my frizzy heart
A ocean ,now are creating my tears
I hear everywhere your voice
Imagine like you are here
If you don’t love me more.
I am telling you to go
Only god knows how much I had loved you
If another women is standing next to you
With her you now go.
Just one thing I wanna know
If you really loved me too?
Don’t make me suffer more so
Go Go Go
Iwill promise I won’t never look back to you
I will be strong
I won’t cry
I will see the future without your eyes
And If anyone will ervery ask me ifI had knew you
I will say that never I had heard this name
In all my life uuuuu