Jessica Lee Schenk ambassador of peace

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Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah, Hallelujah (2x).
Would He choose just one nation as his own? Would He choose just one nation for his inheritance? I see the creation of a nation. Race not designated by place, but a genetic demonstration. Simply traces found in ethnic faces. Internal stages of cultural rages. Nations residing in bloodlines colliding. Hearts crying in the finding; we’re diaspora in hiding. A heritage golden. Resuscitation what was stolen. Repression turned obsession. Now a session of confession. A sustained name, claimed. A reminder of a remainder. A reminder of a chosen race. A reminder as one displaced. Multiplied, never replaced. Yet our own don’t reciprocate. Bloodlines deceive us when our own won’t receive us.
But his peace will appease us from a lie sanctified. Holy cries heard on high will supply us a reprimanding so needed, from misunderstandings deeply seeded. These infractions will be repudiated, cleansed from a thinking wrongly situated. Instigated by a doctrine sin saturated. Subtle insinuations taught with grace. Thought to be erased. Genetically and aesthetically astute. Yet, a spiritual atrocity circumcised not by truth. Bloodlines deceive us when our own won’t receive us.
So this burden, I receive it with humility. The consummation of a deeper unction. I receive it with prophetic function. We’re many nations. We’re many faces. We’re reconcilers of divided races. Who will walk with me to fulfill our destiny. Who will talk with me to facilitate our recovery. As we confess cognitions and unhealthy conditions. As we address situations and historical complications. As the evidence of the covenants be manifest and mutually fulfilled with relevance. As the first fruits sanctify the roots. Let circumcision come to fruition.
As I continue my investigation, I receive deeper revelation. I see worshipers in formation. I see mixtures of tissues healing a multitude of issues. I see a race called “revelation”. I see a nation called “oraters of divine inspiration”. I see the Spirit of the scribes relocated and manifest in scattered tribes. I see souls situated in a land called “predestined designation”. I see many nations seeking a common goal. I feel a yearning in my soul for these nations to be made whole. I see traces of seeds and similar needs. And as Isaiah prophesied so succinctly, ambassadors of peace shall weep bitterly.
Bloodlines deceive us when our own won’t receive us. But He Himself is our peace. And only He will appease us. He will heal us. And as we appeal to him, He will reveal to us so literally, that He is our Ambassador of Peace. And that He wept bitterly.
Revelation 7:9,15-17 “Behold, a great multitude that no one could number. From every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes. They are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence. They shall hunger no more, thirst no more; the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”