Jocie Kok my darling

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Ooh LaLaLala ring. ... - ¨éზრ¸éზარ¸çზზ
ä¸Ⴣ个åადანანანანა ¡çვლეჄ麻éჃმჃåჃაµéჃაღაა
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1234 Ooh LaLaLala ring
æ »¡èზსბéჃ½æჃ˘¯LaLaæჃ⃈სᑕჃლჃçჃéჃდჃ
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å¿«æจฝ¥æจฎ¥åจฐ¬ LaLa Oh My Darling< LaLa 1234 Ooh LaLaLala ring
æ新 çº¿ä¼ é郔逃å都³å¿郃
æ都钑å郏ªè¦ä½ æ郃¥æ都韔º部
Ooh LaLaLala ring
LaLa æ - LaLa LaLa 声éგა³
1234 Ooh LaLaLala ring
æააა - >I want you to sense
Jocie Kok - My Darling
Finger in the palm of the hand nerves taut
Are you intentionally or otherwise cause
Wait, as did the cooked pineapple sour
But with a sweet
A ringing awakened the sleeping sparrows
No such reaction took miss you note
Strange end of the line hedged away at
O my god is the brother school next door
Come and receive LaLa Oh My Darling
What a nice LaLa My Darling
All calls to suspend me as long as your voice
1234 Ooh LaLaLala ring
Head is filled with LaLa My Darling
Wireless transmission concern
I want you to sense
A bell has long been to replace your voice
Cool chords are not you nice
Each call will remind me of you
My love to you
Come and receive LaLa Oh My Darling
What a nice LaLa My Darling
All calls to suspend me as long as your voice
1234 Ooh LaLaLala ring
Head is filled with LaLa My Darling
Wireless transmission concern
I want you to sense
Ooh LaLaLala ring
LaLa My Darling
I want you to sense
LaLa Oh My Darling
What a nice LaLa My Darling
All calls to suspend me as long as your voice
1234 Ooh LaLaLala ring< br/>Head is filled with LaLa My Darling
Wireless transmission concern
I want you to sense
I want my Darling
I want you to sense