Kunze Heinz Rudolf verraten und verkauft

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Kunze Heinz Rudolf
Betrayed And Sold
The gods are sponsored
The dreams are leased
I'll tell you when you turn pale
And health when you do sneezes
For thousands of years
everything has been on the table
Recipes of salvation
and the smell of rotten fish
The near wild east
disgraced to the point of blood
first a lifelong future
then we confiscate the anger
We are the cheeky West
we are the foam of the world
an empty loud misery
with a good mood Money
Betrayed and sold
Betrayed for too long, lied to for too long
Betrayed and sold
Dragged through the mud and across the table
Betrayed and sold sold and betrayed
/>under the dirt it smells like a fuse
on the bridge it's like roast meat
The heads of the prophets
are molding on the scrap
and we who have the damage
take care of it ourselves Mockery
The longing has starved
Hope has been gambled away
and nothing is impossible anymore
when nothing tempts anymore
This is the seventh heaven
a heaven full of violins
we can speak openly
this is the Garden of Eden
See how they admire us
see how they bow down
we can speak openly
yes we should be silent
Betrayed and sold
Silenced blindfolded
Betrayed and sold
Bent and found too shallow
Betrayed and sold sold and betrayed
all blinkered dealers
all fraudulent machines
Betrayed and sold
stupid and damn stubborn and presumptuous
betrayed and sold
and if it was ever different then it is forgotten
betrayed and sold sold and betrayed
it gets harder every day
despite secured data
Text and music: Kunze
Heinz Rudolf Kunze: vocals, guitars
Heiner Luerig: guitars, Solo
Peter Miklis: Drums
Josef Kappl: Bass