Ricardo Arjona si el norte fuera el sur

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The north, its McDonald's, basketball and rock 'n' roll
Its topless, its Madonnas and Stallone's abdomen
Tanned intellectuals, supermarket scholars
They have everything but they have not paid for anything
br/>At 18 you are a child for a drink in some bar
But you are now a man for war and for killing
Long live Vietnam and long live Forest Gump< br/>Long live Wall Street and long live Donald Trump
Long live Seven Eleven
They spray their nose and use syringes in their pockets
They travel with marijuana to understand the situation
Of this judge of the planet who issues an invitation
Cut it to your husband and you will gain reputation
The stars and stripes take over my flag
And our freedom is nothing more than a whore
And if the foreign debt stole our spring
To hell with geography, there are no more borders
If the north were the south The Sioux would be the marginalized ones
Being dark and short would be the most sought-after look
Marcos would be the Mexican Rambo
And Cindy Crawford would be the Menchú of my countrymen
Reagan would be Somoza
Fidel would be an athlete running bags on Wall Street
And Ché would make Double Meat-style hamburgers
The Yankees of wet to Tijuana
And the rafts from Miami to Havana, if the north were the south
Would we be the same? or maybe a little worse
With the Malvinas in Greenland
And in Guatemala a Disneyland
And a Simón Bolivar breaking his secret
There goes 187, out to the Yankees by decree
The stars and stripes take over my flag
And our freedom is nothing more than a whore
And if the foreign debt robbed us spring
To hell with geography, borders are over
If the north were the south, it would be the same crap
I would sing a rap and this song would not exist