Rodriguez Silvio en el claro de la luna

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Rodriguez Silvio
Days and Flowers
In the Clear of the Moon
In the clear of the moon
Where I want to go to play
Queen Fortune sleeps
I will have to get up early
My guardian of luck
Dream surrounded by flowers
That you save me from death
With fortune in love
Dream , dear talisman
Dream my bee and its age
Dream and, if I have deserved it
Dream my happiness
Dream wild horses
Dream for me the south wind
Dream a time of downpours
In the valley of light
Dream what I do and do not say
Dream in full freedom
Dream that there are days when I live
Dream what needs to be kept silent
Among the most beautiful lights
Sleep restlessly my love
Because in his dream of a star
My step on earth is pain
More if I could be him
Bee honey instead of salt
Why tempt him luck
May your dream be worth it
Dream me, then, cataclysm
Dream long stroke and thirst
Dream all the abysses
May about another life I don't know
André Velloso - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
[email protected]