Sarah Davenport little bit more

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Sarah Davenport
Little bit more
in a moment of reflection
i stopped and thought
what is it i want
and what have i been taught
do i want a man,
some kids and a home?
a white picket fence
and a silly garden gnome
a mortgage and a step mother
being someones wife
a 9-5 job
and no social life
do i want romance
love and all the mushy stuff
the complications of commitment
can be pretty tough
if i had to narrow it down
who would he be?
could we co-exist?
and would there be 'we'?
a 6-pak, nice tan
and the brains to go with
then i started thinking
whats really the diff?
some day my life moto is
'a little bit more'
and i suppose you could say
that my love life is a bore
just as i find this mystery man
i'll shut the door
not before i say i want him
and just that little bit more
i've said it once
i'll say it again
i'll find him eventually
i dont know when
i'll meet him one day
sparks will soar
i'll tell him i love him
if only he had that little bit more