Skeletons sunshine song

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If someone doesn’t die soon, she will never get off
My baby bleeds like sunshine – Psychedelic Death Rock
I can feel your disease squirming in my veins
There’s a killer at the Freak Show with a cherubim face
Thalidomide dreams – lost in space
I herald the death of the human race
Convulse in lunacy
Funeral Home Mutiny
Technicolor like LSD
Living Room Lobotomy
For everything; a place
For every corpse; a grave
I heard that Jesus Saves
Why would I care, anyway?
Blank canvas; dead-eyed doll
Push my hate through the back of your skull
Overdose on Tylenol
Foaming at the mouth free and uncontrolled
Rising tide in the sea of black bile
I haven’t opened my veins up in a while
Breathing in the fresh air, cracking a smile
Tourniquets and blood on the bathroom tile
Split the flesh
Fuck the wound
Salt the earth
Swallow doom
Life springs forth anew
From Mother Nature’s Womb