Werra Son victime d amour

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I would like to speak about the reason why women get into many marriages we see nowadays, Guy Luemba
She will love a man if she sees he and money, Blandine Mputu(A woman will only love a man if she sees that he has money or a job, Blandine Mputu)
Most of desperate women in Kinshasa)They are unmarried oh (Have no men to marry them)
They don't ask themselves why they stay like that oh, Aiziz Makukula(They normally ask themselves why they are single without men to love them on this world, Aiziz Makukula
The house of God the go morning evening eh(They go to church day and evening)
Their prayer oh God give me a husband(we ask GOD please give me a husband)
Nga na fanda naye kino seko eh(for me to live love and cherish in him for ever in Kinsasha)
Nzambe ya bato ayokaka naye mawa(because Our GOD of mercy listens)
Apesi ye pe Guy Luemba ba fanda(he gave her Guy Luemba for a husband)
Sima ya mikolo(after somedays)
Akomi ko lakisa ye makambo oyoAmona nanu te(she ended up showing him things he had never experienced in his life time/passed him through tribulations.)
Blandine Mputu na comprenaka basi te(Blandine Mputu sometimes I dont understand women)
Basala bango lolenge nini(I don't understand how they were created)
Ata opesi nayo pema osali manso(because even if a man dedicates or devotes his life to his marriage)
Mokolo ya bokabwani ako ndima naye yo te, DeJeannot Makukula(your day of your separation/divorce she will never appreciate whatever good thingsher former husband did for her, DeJeannot Makukula)
Mon Dieeeeeeeeuu (My GOOOOOD)
Blandine Mputu y'osali nga boye oh(Blandine Mputu why did you do this to me?)
Y'otindeli nga mwasi ya elima a nyokolo nga(you you give me an evil woman to torture me?)
Y'otindeli nga mwasi ya ndoki(you sent me a witch)
Abebisa memoire na nga na ba projet na nga(She spoilt all the projects that I had in my life)
Blandine Mputu, nga nakoki lisusu te di eh Kende nayo,(Blandine Mputu, I cant stand this anymore please go)
Mokolo ezali oko beta lisolo na ba masta na yo(there were days when you used to brag toyour friends)
Ah na lingaka na ngai Guy Luemba eh(that I love my Guy Luemba eh)
Look today(See what you've done today?)
I've become a vagabond, Michelle Luemba(I've become a vagabond, Michelle Luemba)
You've done this for me what, Vicky Mputu(Why did you do this to me? Vicky Mputu)
I showed you that I loved you eh(despite the fact that I showed you that I loved you)
Today you yourself you've destroyed my relationship with you(today you've destroyed our relationship)
Come back to Willi Tembela eh(come back to Willi Tembela eh's placeTo start the advice, Jose Ntumba I can't(so that he can give you some advice , Jose Ntumba is overwhelmed)
I have become a victim of love again
I cant recover you again
Go dirty moyembe
Guy Luemba son of Fifi
I have become again a victim of suffering eh(I have become again a victim of love)
Go dirty moyembe
I will cant recover you againI cant recover you again)
Guy Luemba of Pati Mafolo(Guy Luemba son of Fifi)
I don't have any idea to look for a reason)
The way in prison we normally seek liberation(the way we normally look for freedom while we are in prison)
I am a son of a poor man(I am a son of a poor man)
Physical my moralsâ¦And my thoughts(also my thinking)
It's straighter than the vertical line in(is straight than a vertical line)