Agboola Shadare dream dawn

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In Habakkuk chapter 2 and versa 3, the Bible says, for the vision is yet for an appointed time, and at the end it shall speak and not lie, though it tarry, wait for it because it will surely come to pass. This is your dream dawn
As they sat outside the city gate, beset with the billowing waves of despair
As they considered their fate
Four lepers, we are told prepare themselves to die
For what other possibilities could their future hold
They have been used and abused
Refused and confused
Dejected, rejected and of course ejected from the community they once called family and friend
So they looked at their situation and considered their plight
All appeared so bleak with ne'er a shred of light
As if their condition were not enough with the dreaded disease of decay poised to snuff the very life from their broken frames
Ahh! That they had survived this long was to no credit of their own
For now the Syrian army had laid siege to the city
Surrounding it on every side
They had cut off every route of supply
Thus every source of food was denied
What are we to do with all that we are going through?
Life it seems to hold nothing more than an appointment with death
Yes death!
But wait
Hold it a moment
Don't resign to despair cold grip
For there is yet a possibility beyond despair
Why sit we here until we die?
For if we go back into the city the famine will kill us
But if we wait here we will die anyway
But if we go into the enemies camp
Who can tell?
Perhaps we may live, or perhaps we may die
But suppose,
What if
You see suddenly it all becomes clear
The possibility of salvation was not far but actually quite near
Even if we eventually die
The prospect of a miracle was certainly worth a try
And so the four lepers gathered their feeble limbs about themselves
And struggled to their feet as they painfully inched their way to the Syrian camp
Uncertain as to whether they will live
Or whether they will die
Now the Bible says it was at twilight
That nebulous period when it is too dark to be morning and too light to be night
It is the turning period of your night time
When the heavy cloak for darkness must be shred by the first rays of light that herald the rising of the sun
It is the demarcation between pain and anguish of the darkest moments of your life
And the beginning of a refreshing season of unprecedented blessings
It is the beginning of a new day
When the impossible suddenly becomes possible
It is the dawn of your dream
Your dream dawn
The story of the lepers ends with a great victory
But the miracle of their deliverance is hardly a mystery
For God has numbered your days
Your times and seasons are in his hands
The thoughts he has towards you are thoughts of good and not of evil
Child of God, you have a destiny is your father
The God who cannot lie, has spoken a word over your life
You might be down right now just like the four lepers
You might even be in the pit of despair
But fret not longer
Even though you think there are no more possibilities for you
I have good news for you
The good news, is that your best days are still ahead of you
You are better than this
There's more in front of you than there is behind you
God has a plan for your life
And if you just take one step forward
You will discover that the very thing you are afraid of, is actually afraid of you
You've been down but God is going lift you up
You've been in a mess but God is about to pull you out
You've been languishing in a pit but you are about to move into the palace
You've been in a grave of despair, but child of God, you are coming out
You have a destiny in God
Your miracle is just beginning
This is a new day in your life
Get ready
Brace yourself
Pull out your tent pegs
Poise your chariots
Because it is your time
Your dream is about to begin
Welcome to your dream dawn
I feel God
I feel a shout down in my soul
I feel like preaching
Arise and shine for your light is come and the glory of God is risen upon you
Won't you come, won't you come to the brightness of your shinning
For God is about to lift you like you've never been lifted before
Something is about to happen!
This is your dream dawn.