Brotha Lynch Hung legal dope compilation

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Dear Mr. Cuomo, Mr. Paladino, Senator Schumer, Schneiderman
Esq.,Mr. Brown, no-witch O’Donnell Ms.Sara Palin,
stop the legalization of dope!!
China sought to restrict illegal British opium trafficking in to China.
China lost two opium wars of British invasions;
the First Opium War from 1839 to 1842,
and the Second Opium War from 1856 to 1860,
China was defeated in both wars leaving POWERLESSLY the Chinese government to tolerate the opium trade.
Britain forced the Chinese government into signing the Treaty of Nan king and the Treaty of Tianjin,
Thus, doped China become miserable addicts' nation, sinking into the street junkies.
Once great nation became the deeply doped junky utopian nation having doped human garbage lied down on the street.
Lin Zexu,ìž„측서 Governor-General of Hunan and Hubei,
recognizing the consequences of opium abuse,
embarked on an anti-opium campaign in which 1,700 opium dealers were arrested
and 2.6 million pounds of opium were confiscated and destroyed.[29]
Sadly Lin Zexu's policy against the drug ultimately failed.
But Lin Zexu ìž„측서 is now viewed as a hero of 19th century China who stood against European imperialism and his likeness has been immortalized at various locations around the world.[31][32][33][34]
Whiteman British white dope dealer’s victory – the cruelest inhumane crime committed by the white people until the communist Moa cleaned them up in another cruelest way when Chang Kai sek’s corrupt government unable to rescue China even with American aid.
China became the opium paradise until the Chairman Mao’s liberation.
Mao communists took over China when there were over 20 million useless utopian addicts. He had to eliminate the utopians
to rescue China and turned into today's RED CAPITALISTS.
After the Japanese imperial army chased out the western powers from the Far East. There was a pan Asian conference, the president Yun sei University Paik Lak Joon once said that many former colonial leaders thanked that the Japanese chased the westerners from the area as if a new era come to them. Really today’s new world has came in a thorny historic process.
If American dope lovers open up Marijuana market, they are
pushing America to trace the old Chinese opium high roadway. American dope lovers or politicians should study the Chinese opium tragedy.
In any means we must stop legalizing Marijuana which will probably lead the great America into like a second doped China.
The white missionaries to China did great job in the past. China doesn’t trust their powerbase in faith because of the tragic dopy past.
For them Christianity functions as another kind opium.
If America goes on the Marihuana way, then sooner or later America will need a new American Mao to deliver us from the street opium junky nation.
To make money, opening dope flea market is to destroy America,
pushing Americans into the dope dead end street.
I can tell you the truth as I saw their dope miseries in China during those disgraced period.
To save America, we should stop potting America in these
Elections and any other.
Stop potting America! Stop potting America! Stop topping America!! Rescue America from the dopy politicians.
God bless the dope free America!
.Chae S. Sone ~10/16/2010~