Harp & Lyre 17

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Behold, He is coming with the clouds,
and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him,
and all the tribes of the earth will wail on account of Him. (Rev. 1: 7)
Did you think you were safe,
Standing so tall?
Society is one to make you think
that you are made for this world alone,
but don't be deceived.
No don't be tricked.
It's painted as a lamb,
concealing fangs
that clench with the force of all damnation.
We built our lives to grow together.
there's no place for your roots to anchor down
with all the holes exposed in my character
We're chasing perspective in light of our own salvation
We're only living for this age
and we're holding tight to all that's dying
This life is all we know
And we're told to hold it close
In my 14th year I realized my loss of innocence. I was young and
self-absorbed. but I had no care of it's consequence
But then Year 16 took my best friend from me.
I only wasted his time with beer and cigarettes.
It was hard to forgive myself. Complacency was a noose preventing change.
I felt tricked by religion but encountered a Merciless love!
As complacent as I was God found me empty and revived my wounded posture
I carry the word that's Love
I carry the sound that brings Grace
I welcome the fight to absolve my partnership in death
We're chasing perspective in light of our own salvation
We're only living for this age
and we're holding tight to all that's dying
We will find our way back home
So, I won't coax your peace of mind
This belief will end your life
Those opposed are numbered strong
Don't lose hope, Don't lose sight
I declare open Heavens to wake this generation up!
Instead of finding our own path
We're choosing truth
Jesus Christ. The only way.
They will deliver you up to tribulation
and put you to death,
and you will be hated by all for my name's sake. (Matt. 24: 9)
And this gospel of the kingdom of God
will be proclaimed throughout the whole world
as a testament to all the nations
then the end will come. (Matt. 24: 14)