Kristoff Krane would if i could

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I would if I could but I cant so I won’t---
Hold me today
-the sunset fell ontop of --scrape me off these boards---inject me high into the sky and never again say your bored---dye—dye dye the sky with the color of my gut bile—mixed in tears we cried the ones that left stains on the sundial----Hot pink magenta was the—edible fluorescent glow-——drooping home soaked in sun ink--- stumbling clutching sunny company—ugly underneath----tryin to rub off on somebody (and shed a little muddy light-stunning right—a walking talking contradiction---found freedom in free falling the—the ground will mold my imprint---it was good while it lasted—bad cuz it doesn’t I feel like a had it---but sold it for drugs—and I would be an addict if the basement didn’t have such an underlying truth that I believe I needed so bad—
-I Read what you wrote before I dove-I don’t know If I can float my hands wont hold—result is inevitable---
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout—out came his brains—dead cells that he felt melt---in went the train of polluted chemicals---cho cho---oozing dripping out his mouth-down his soul—up his throat—out into the open---whats now exposed---has drowned folks—most poke heads out disgusted—the smoke is blown into the backsides—now someone left it open-----the moment that you float in is air pollutedu003du003dpotent --viper---hyperactive-atomic masses—bouncing off walls---hitting the fan—with no evidence---fingerprints were not found----isn’t this ironic---erratic static----is byproducts—of my myopic knowledge---grafts-are stabbed when eye openers---pry on it----lenses---stretched a bit —wide and ripped so violent—that pilots up high above us----think that the violets—have been dyed with----vibrant colors of comfort and high respect but others have not annilated it---I recommend—you fry all eight –real quick---
grow proportional to birth pains of the planet-- watch it pulsate—make love to mother nature just to see her molten heart break---I love hearing myself think-I like to see you try -I can the smell the taste of how I felt the day I thought I was a star-supernova realization lets shoot down the shooting star and suck whats left of life in it before its light begins to scar---—ill spit my sorry soul down your apologetic throat---I hope you toke your pills—that acid reflux—might cause you to choke-you mine as well—I wish you well—--—I bet you would—but whos to tell------don’t be that could ve shouldve man---who would’ve if he knew he could but should had when he pulled the scab but didn’t all because of you—and now your sad mad---chewin on what you could have consumed—
-yourre chewing on what you could have consumed.