Pimsleur lesson 04

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Pimsleur Japanese Level 1 - Lesson 4 Notes
New Vocabulary:
konnichi wa - hello (used in the afternoon)hanashimasu - speakjozu ni - well / skillful (when referring to speak)Ueno - a name of a place in JapanShinjuku - a name of a place in Japaneki - stationdoko - where? koko - herekoen - parkasoko - over there
New Grammar Concepts:
New Sentences:
Sukoshi hanashimasu.
- I speak a little. Jozu ni hanashimasu.
- You speak well. Jozu ni hanashimasu ne. - You speak well, don't you? Mada jozu ja arimasen.
- I'm not skilled yet. Ueno eki wa doko desu ka.
- Where is Ueno Station? Sumimasen, Ueno eki wa doko desu ka.
- Excuse me, where is Ueno Station? Koko desu.
- It's here. Koko ja arimasen.
- It's not here. Shinjuku eki wa doko desu ka.
- Where is Shinjuku Station? Ueno koen wa doko desu ka.
- Where is Ueno Park? Ueno koen wa.
- And Ueno Park? Sumimasen, Shinjuku eki wa doko desu ka.
- Excuse me, where is Shinjuku Station? Koko desu ka.
- Is it here? Hai, koko desu.
- Yes, it's here. Iie, koko ja arimasen.
- No, it's not here. Koko ja arimasen.
- It's not here. Asoko desu.
- It's over there. Asoko ja arimasen.
- It's not over there. Ueno eki wa koko desu.
- Ueno Station is here. Shinjuku eki wa koko ja arimasen.< br/>- Shinjuku Station is not here.
Japanese Conversation:
Man: Sumimasen. Anata wa nihon-jin desu ka.
Woman: Hai, watashi wa nihon-jin desu. Anata wa .
Man: Watashi wa amerika-jin desu.
Woman: Demo nihongo ga yoku wakarimasu ne.
Man: Ee, sukoshi. Demo mada jozu ja arimasen.
Woman: Iie , jozu desu.
Man: Arigato gozaimasu.
English Translation:
Man: Excuse me. Are you Japanese?
Woman: Yes, I'm Japanese. And you?< br/>Man: I'm American.
Woman: But you understand Japanese well, don't you?
Man: Yes, a little. But I'm not good at it yet.
Woman: No, you're good.
Man: Thank you.