The Catalyst Lanre Olusola feat. Ty Bello success affirmation

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I am successful,
I look for and find opportunities where other see nothing,
I am a lifetime learner, I am solution focused,
I see only solutions, I; am a solutions,
I unconsciously, consciously, and methodically create my own success,
I permit myself to be successful, I am bold and couragous,
I ask the right questions and get the right answers,
I am constantly in a positive spiritual, emotional, mental and physical state,
I'm always grateful and thankful, I am in charge of life,
I take full responsibility for my actions and outcomes,
I daily maximise my potentials, my gifts daily works and produce for me,
I effortlessly succeed, I use what I have effectively to create what I want,
I am successful, productive and proactive,
I align myself with successful like minded people,
I have a vision, I know my purpose, I have a success plan for my life,
I persue and fulfil this plan daily,
I have clarity and certainty about what I want,
I know where I'm going and how to get there,
I daily walk my path to greatness,
I am innovative, creative and dynamic,
I take the right action at the right time,
I am practical, down to earth and real,
I am a master of my emotions, feelings, thoughts,
perception, words, beliefs and behaviour,
My success goals aligns with my values and my beliefs,
I take my chances when my opportunity comes,
I am a good, effective and inspirational communicator,
I am extraordinarily successful, I am special and unique,
I'm authentic and original,
I have value, I create value, I am value,
I do my best at all times, I have the spirit of excellence,
I am balanced, I have tranquility and I peace,
I'm full of joy, I love what I do, and I do what I love,
I am fulfilled and content,
I have all resources I need to succeed,
I have self control, I am prudent and disciplined,
I make more money than I spend,
I have a healthy self worth, I am self confident,
I love myself and others,
I am kind, empathic and compassionate,
I am selfless, and generous,
I am fit mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually,
I'm healthy, I'm well, I am happy, I am humble,
I am greatful, even for my mistakes,
I am adaptable and I embrace change,
I am hardworking, committed and diligent,
I am persistent, resilient and purpose driven,
I am open to all feedback, I act on all relevant feedback,
I hang around good, wise, positive, successful and God fearing people,
I am a path finder and a trailblazer,
I am confortable with my own company,
I set and live by high standards,
I embrace and learn from failure,
I adjust and use it to my benefit,
I know how to relax, I enjoy what I have in my life,
I have fun regurlarly,
I'm a spiritual being with a mind and emotion living on a earth (?),
I daily have human experiences,
I'm in tune with my spirituality and divinity,
I have a healthy and positive identity,
I create my world, all things work together for me,
the universe conspires on my behalf,
I create my own destiny, chance and luck,
I am focused, I am an overcomer, I am a super achiever,
I finish everythng I start,
I; am successful...