Beyond Our Ruins dirge of damnation

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A crimson carnage scourged the land
For days on end
As Mephisto's Maestro rallied his troops
Again and again
To pillage, plunder
Sowing rape, ruin and despair
The screams, the panic, the terror
Echoed everywhere
Steps of fearful fledglings fill the night
Imprinting tragedy and searching
For a higher ground to hide
Soft sweetened voices haunt the dark
Reconciling solitude
Or what appears their reasons to embark
Within weeks of bloodshed
The stench of rot and excrement
The horde of horror encountered
A desolate broken down stronghold
The settlement showed little signs of life
Once the wolf pack entered the hide
Grey dormancy had taken hold of the abode
A keep to hide well and dwell
As the night fell, the horses found ease
And the campfires calmed down
Releasing thin grey shivers
Dancing into the dark and cold night sky
A dreary calm, a lullaby for the damned
As suddenly, out of nothing
Or out of everything, A childs' voice cried
Sworn to lose, none will be
None could win, forced to see
Piles of young born flesh
Twitching on a funeral pyre
Coaled and shivering life on fire
Children slayed that night
Such demonic might
Death, nowhere to hide
They cut out their eyes
A blind mans' map for fears to come
Guide me, Heal me, Save me
Under shimmering horizons
Beyond fields of loss
Where you and I tempt to find
What was lost, so lost
Try to find it, where I lost it