Chthonic resurrection pyre

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br/>[Spanish version:]
Silenced in a cage unseen Darkest shadows reign supreme - />åคคคåคคคคï¼คคæค°æ½®ï¼คçค¼æคคตï¼ค人æ¬คï¼คคåฃµé฀ ï¼คคé฀²æ¥ï¼คคéคมคมคำคมคมค
Field of battle, no graves
Memories not meant to save
Dawn of warfare, no tears
Victory find me here
Soldier not a glant
Standing tall, defiant Warrior of wisdom Sing our song of freedom Sing our song of freedom Silenced in a cage unseen. จคคมคåคคคคคมคคï¼คçค¼å±ฃï¼คค°คต主ï¼ค
Warriors one and all
The soldiers war call
I control the sands of time
Freedom to defend what is mine
One day the tide will turn
The Phoenix burns
From the realm of worms
Forever Phoenix burns
Though the oceans may run dry
The Phoenix never dies
Though the mountains all may fall
Phoenix burns throughout it all
Field of battle, no graves
Memories not meant to save
Dawn of warfare, no tears
Victory find me here
Soldier not a giant
Standing tall, defiant
Warrior of wisdom
Sing our song of freedom
I control the sands of time
Freedom to defend what is mine
One day the tide will turn
The Phoenix burns
From the realm of worms
Forever Phoenix burns
Though the oceans may run dry
The Phoenix never dies
Though the mountains all may fall
Phoenix burns throughout it all -