Ghostwolf night of the long knives

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In the beginning the Nazi party was a failure
Germany seemed to be thriving seemed to turn its favor
Borrowing money post war playing off sympathies
The treaty was too harsh it was crippling
A disgrace disgusting to sink so low
In Hitler's eyes he couldn't stand the old ways anymore
Biding his time crafting an image his party it grew
Until the moment things will change in their favor soon
Great depression it hit the world with an iron fist
Whatever comfort the Weimar's had disappeared with it
The Nazis seized upon this yes to make a push
Win the election with propaganda and Hitler's words so new
In 1929 Himmler an unassuming man
Would grow the S.S. into a force that stands
For everything that is dark in the Nazi brand
Skull and crossbones black shirts would bring fear to men
290 men grew to three thousand
The SS became fearsome it was astounding
Just in a short year Himmler had amassed a force
But they still were subordinate to the SA brown shirts
Who were reckless and violent out of control
Losing the favor of the Army Hitler needed so
Something had to be done and it will be done
Once the Reichstag burns and becomes a ruin
Reichstag fire decree and the Enabling Act
Gave legislative control to Hitler and his whole pack
They passed a law that stated upon von Hindenburg's death
Hitler would reign the next day he was dead
To gain power
You must deceive them see
To keep power
Fear is the key
The Nazis won most of the votes
Hitler named chancellor the Reichstag would be no more
To gain power
You must deceive them see
To keep power
Fear was the key
The Nazis won most of the votes
Hitler named Chancellor the Reichstag will be no more
Political enemies must pay
That's the path they take
Rohm could stage a coup the SA must fade
And be absorbed into them
The Schutzstaffel my friend
But for there to be change blood must be spilled in the end
Himmler's SS and Goering's secret police
Destine to become infamous for killing not discrete
Hummingbird was the code to send the death squads
Into action the night of the long knives
End the enemies' passion
The night the night the night the night the night
The Night of the Long Knives
The night the night the night the night the night
The Night of the Long Knives
The night it has begun their enemies will pay
The left wing strasserist Strasser he will fade
His blood has been spilled along with many others
No trial no conviction just calculated murder
The SS in the black of the night roam the streets
Rounding up those who would dare to fight
Executions on the spot no promise of light
Even if you were suspected your guilty that's right
The night the night the night the night the night
The Night of the Long Knives
The night the night the night the night the night
The Night of the Long Knives
Von Schleicher Gustav Ritter Von Kahr
Those who stood against the Beer hall now destine to fall
Ernst Rohm commander of the SA troops
And many more in his command met their ends too soon
This night would be a turning point for all of Germany
Subsequently the world and human history
For this signified the birth of an unchallenged leader
A Fuhrer a Reich and a conquest so lethal
The night the night the night the night the night
The Night of the Long Knives
The night the night the night the night the night
The Night of the Long Knives
Yeah when the purge was over Hitler reigned supreme
When the purge was over blood it filled the streets
The SS stood on top Himmler did succeed
In rooting out the opposition it was swift indeed
So brutal was this man yes he did create
The first concentration camp at Dachau but wait
There will be many more in the coming years
And watching over all of the them the SS so feared
The death brigade that would march under deaths head
And persecute any race that was deemed unfit
The Bolsheviks and Jews just to name a few
This monstrous mentality had now took root
Under a veil of secrecy the allied powers don't know
Just what catastrophe awaits in the years to come
Hitler with his SS ruled relentlessly
They swore an oath of allegiance and kill senselessly
They swore an oath of allegiance and kill!