Tennessee Ernie Ford ain t nobody s business

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i do like to do a riddle
oh a riddle all right.
ya and i like to do it for you.
What comes from Tennessee makes a beautiful sound is loved by all and picks peace?
Well that is easy. That could just be one person. Tennessee Earnie Ford.
Yes and here he is.
Earn sure nice to have you.
Thank you for a great welcome. I am so happy to be here.
Let me tell you it is great to be back home in Tennessee.
Yeah and you know June your moma Maybelle and the Carter Family made their first phonograph record in my hometown in Bristol, Tennessee.
they made me there too.
That makes Bristol a lot more famose.
Ya and do you know something else there is another famose
country star made his first record a day after that.
That is right the great Jimmy Roggers.
The jodelin railroad man.
Some great memorys Earnie a long time ago. remember when i used to come out to your show in Hollywood and you let me say a few silly poems.
June, like it was yesterday. You do all the funny poems and sing prettier than a sheep whooper will. She was so great and the people loved you. Ey Earn I was wondering how you never drop by to see us before know.
Well i am not sure You didn't ask me.
Oh I'm sure we did. Didn't we June?
Oh yeh we're sure we did.
But see you do all those big Television specials and I just wondered how you ask me do doin' my poems on your big TV specials?
Just a pe pickin' minute hold on. How come You waited till i were so busy before you ask me to be on your Show
We'll gonna tell you all about it folks.
Jeani... Earn... You're ready?
You've been my guest a lot of times how comes your poems never rymed.
Well that ain't nobodys buisness but my own.
Well Earn if June was there and done her best how come mine never watch her guess.
That's ain't nobody's buisness but my own.
John Carter kid as he could be how he didn't named a mifen me.
That's ain't nobody's buisness but our own.
There's one thing I like to know how come you both sing down so slow?
Ain't nobody's buisness but our own.
Nobodys buissness. Nobody's buisness.
Nobody's buisness but our own.
Nobody's buisness... Nobody's buisness.
Nobody's buisness but our own.
I have been watching your show a long time John and I'm sure glad.
That your featuring a lot of our wonderful young talented people.
Yeah we like the young people and we like their kind of music it's fine.
I do it too June but answer this for me. Will ya?
There is one thing i like to know where are they get them crazy clothes.
Ain't nobody's buisness but their own.
Now here is a group that'll do it right.
I'll wonder what they'll sing to night.
Ain't nobody's buisness but our own.
Nobodys buissness. Nobody's buisness.
Nobody's buisness but our own.
Nobody's buisness... Nobody's buisness.
Nobody's buisness but our own