Adi Smolar pismo dedku mrazu

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Adi Smolar
Letter to Santa Claus
Dear Santa Claus!
Long live the antique!
Look, it's winter again and the time is approaching
when the new the year will put on its face.
I am writing to you again, because you know me.
The letter will probably seem familiar to you,
you have already received many from me.
These letters and requests and I will want again,
which I have always wanted, not for myself, but for everything
that creeps us and goes on this small planet.
Give us health, of love, warmth,
wherever there is war, let it pass, I beg you.
Cut away our quarrels and wickedness,
take away greed and ugly favšia.
Let the horse but wisdom meets the noble
and those fools who make fools.
Let it cover all the differences of style,
honesty should be worth more than the purchase.
Feed the weak,
protect the helpless,
deliver to the cold,
provide firewood. br/>eliminate suffering.
Fill all people's souls with only mercy,
all hearts with kindness, and eyes with cheerfulness.
Make us all live beautifully,
sincerely wish each other well.
Change this world for the better, for the better,
people should take care of animals and the environment.
Let everyone realize the value of life,
let good intentions pervade us.
That humanity will be the virtue of man,
from now on forever, from age to age.
That everyone will be happy at the same time in the world,
I'm begging you, please obey the poet.
I know, now you're fixing your beard in embarrassment
and you'll only bring me chocolate again.