ANDREA BOCELLI e sara a settembre someone like you

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A wind blows that speaks to me about you that tells me go
Return to her, all your anxieties, she will leave you
When you feel her hands seeking yours
Love it is a journey within us
You can say where you will arrive
And so the wind pushes me
I will not lose myself, I will find you again
And it will be   already September
The dream that never dies remains, beyond the trees
And your silence that I listened to, someone will look for me
It will only be you, only you, nor I'm sure you know
You will come, and you will discover why, I can only love you
Today I am here, in the high tide, I am looking for you, you are part of me
Like a soul inside the 'my animal like an almo
That one day you will slip away, and I will return, to quench my heart's thirst
And it will amaze you how I will do it, chasing only the wind
You will not lose me ², and I will find you again
And it will now be September
You remain the dream that never dies, beyond the trees
And your silence that I listened to, someone will look for me
/>It will only be you, only you, I'm sure you know
You will come, and you will find out why, I can only love you
I will not lose myself and I will find you again
And it will now be September
The dream remains that, the dream that never dies
Beyond the trees, your silence that I listened to, someone will look for me
It will only be you, only you, I'm sure you know
You will come, and you will discover why, I can only love you
I can only love you