Chthonic set fire to the island

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[ ç·¨æถป²ï¼ถéถฃฃéถถ]
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[English version:]
Trapped within where rays of light will not shine
Sanity a memory so unkind
Paralyzed by torture, broken and blind
Stand as one, we are but ghosts of time
Time has come to raise ourselves from the dead
Take the names forgotten back from silence cold
A sleeping beast awakened in us all
For blood and anguish now we will reclaim our souls
Battle cry! We raise our fists and fight
We defy! We are but slaves no more
Time to die! Watch it all burn to ash
Dead inside! Pure hatred rots the core - ±ზვéზს჋ æზ°åზზოé©ზæზ¶
Shattered walls, the light of day is sublime
Lust for carnage dominates the mind
Disembowelment of the former dogma< br/>Headlell torsos all that's left behind
Time has come to raise ourselves from the dead
Take the names forgotten back from silence cold
A sleeping beast awakened in us all
For blood and anguish now we will reclaim our souls
Battle cry! We raise our fists and fight
We defy! We are but slaves no more
Time to die! Watch it all burn to ash
Dead inside! Pure hatred rots the core - ±ზᕕéზზმ æზ°åზზოé©ზæზ¶
Remorseless fire we brave
è¦ზ身è»Ⴠçლზè¡ზ 總æზზჃå® ¶å·±çზ¦
éზზæზზዔ±ვéზზ჋ æზ°åვ჋჈é©ზæზ¶
Death reclaimed
Cleansed by pain
Warrior's rain
Souls in flame