The White Barons drank myself back to you

Seleziona il linguaggio per tradurre questo testo

barefaced: shameless, undisguised .with no effort to conceal, that is barefaced lie
baroque: highly decorated
barrister or paraclete does intercede which means come in between two people or argue on behalf of one person . so the lawyer is called intercessor
i am interceding for her
bask: to enjoy
i am basking in glory: deriving pleasure from the previous glory
i am basking in the sun: i am enjoying warmth of the sun
bastion: strong hold: fortress
sprawl: lie or fall with ones arms and legs spread out in ungaining way
bauble: thing of very little value
trifle, trincet, tinsel
bate: to lessen
bated breath means breath we held inside when we are in a shock.i bated breath seeing the cruelity of him
antynom: release
bawdy: vulgar jokes
dont try to make bawdy jokes on girls
beatific: blissful
bedizen: to dress up gaurdily or without taste
bedraggle: to make wet or dirty
dishivelled: untidy i dont want to see your dishivelled apperance
beeline: the moment he came home he beelined to refrigerator
he directly went to refridgerator
resent: feeling of bitterness or indigence on a person
begrudge: give something unwilling or resentfully or feel bitter about, to look upon dissapproval
you shouldnt begrudge her success: you shouldnot dissapprove her success
nobody bregrudges single penny on health
beguile: charm or echant in deceptive way
he beguiled the voters with his good looks
behemoth: huge creature
belabour: argue or discuss in excessive detail, discuss the point at length
there is no need to belabour the point
beleagure: to harass
we are beleagures with problems
bemoan: to express disapproval of something
he bemoans the fact that the team lost again
benediction: blessing, benison
benevolant: kind
benign: favorable
bequeath: to leave or transfer the property by will
his father bequeathed to his mother
berete: scold strongly
bereave: lacking
amok: behave in uncontrolled and disruptive way, frenzy
the anarchists we running amok
beseech: to plead or utter someone
i beseeched him to stay
besmirch: damage ones repitation
he had bismirched the good name of his family
bestow: give
betroth: formally engaged to be married
bevy: large group
bicker: to argue about petty and trivial matters
couples always bicker over and bismirch the good name of them
bigotry: narrow minded ness
squeamish: easily upset
blanche:: whiten
blare: loud noise
blasphemy: saying something that goes against religion
jinxed: unfotunate
blithe: cheerful
blutter: to act impulsively
seeing the news he bluttered
bluster: loud noisy threatening
bode: portent of a particular outcome
portent: sign of calamitous event going to happen
many birds are regarded as portents of death
presage, prognostication
bolster: support
bolt: move from that activity quickly
he bolted out from the room
bombastic: pompous means using inflated language
bowdlerizing: eliminating some part of the text that is offensive
brazen: arrogant and shameless
brevity: concise and exact use of words in writing or speech
brissling: very angry
baize: thick cloth used on the table
brook: tolerate
i cannot brook anymore
brunt: shock