Abdominal and The Obliques don t get it twisted pt 1

Don’t get it twisted pup, I still rip shit up
even if it’s only on drums & some strings getting plucked I…
don’t require that hit from today’s ‘it’ producer
producing a buzz instead on the strength my shit’s smoother
than a Bombyx Mori, confused?
Get your entomology game up, means ‘silkworm’ dude
making me…pretty smooth indeed, sure you agree
now that we’ve adequately cleared up what the simile means.
I mean I’m smoother than a smoothie made from blended smooth things.
I’m the smoothest diamond, you’re a head-shop mood ring,
who’s flashing grey,
which according to the index means anxious & strained.
Plain to see why…
‘Cuz I be fly, emcees try to reach my elite style of speech I
beseech guys to keep tryin’ but deep inside I keep in mind
they need to find new dreams to blindly seek & while
they’re seeking blindly I’ll keep freaking these rhymes.
See I’m a good talker.
Saying I talk good is kinda like saying water’s good at being wet.
Or that birds are good at flying. Shit
basically, in other words, slick talking, I define it.
Rewind it, if you feel the need to test the theory,
theory being I got more flow than water in an estuary.
Necessary sometimes, to get it across to dumb minds.
Rap’s overcast, I’m sunshine, stay coming up with dumb rhymes.
Nah dummy, not dumb meaning dumb
dumb meaning NOT dumb, refuse to dumb it down I’d rather stay dumb.
Like mute, you know? Capiche? Comprendes?
Abdominale, sobre el microfono tengo estilos diferentes.
And I’m not even Spanish brother,
I’m just a language lover who loves to banter uttering
witticisms rhythmically in a rhyming fashion.
Drafting unsurpassed paragraphs my driving passion.