Actitud Maria Marta la base milagrosa

With half-closed eyes you cannot describe
The feeling of being on earth
Unknown to you
Not even using your most complex
Holding on to the ground but without be sedentary
That's why I don't fall and look what
I bring you
Because the sound that reaches your ear
It's an annoying hum
You don't need that food
It is not necessary that you use your intelligence for
Nor do you separate yourself from the voice of your conscience
You have the science to find the light
And if You don't follow that path, I don't know
Where you are
Apart, far away, very far from the right thing
Listen to what I tell you because I'm not angry at all
I'm wet because I can't stop jumping
And I don't dry up or stop
Because I have to respect the miraculous base
I am a religious and I don't care about anything else
What constantly praise permanently
To the blows that hit and
They crash against my forehead
Born of a race
That is not of any color
But I feel its smell when they approach walking
They are separated by the fact of having been poorly inseminated
Product of bitterness
Disordered from their dark soul
Disoriented totally degraded
Miserably close to life
br/>Separated from what, from what you don't understand me
That goes beyond you, goes beyond you to your feet
That hard posture
I see it and feel how the breakdown is coming
Exit of the m &/a how the garbage comes out
And that cannot be hidden
His soul, which continues to cry
Because it does not know how to stay naked
And that does not help him and never will to help
That's why he has to kill
He doesn't know how to enjoy
Neither dance nor sing
Nor tell what happens to him
That's what his race consists of
The miraculous base
The base that is pure and powerful
My music that moves is not even a little paralytic
It keeps moving, I know you are enjoying it
It is moving, I know that You are feeling it
Because I know you are thirsty
And it is the lack of food
The miraculous base that gives me my sustenance
So I burst, I go faster than the wind
I swear I'm not lying to you, it's the purest thing I feel
And it's like that
Everything you shout with that tone is correct
Even your criticism of the world
It's something more than recited
I slip between your rhymes
I cannot find the demand
The mind that is relaxed without a conscience
Of decadence
And does not feel shame much absence
Our harmony is diluted
Lost along the way
But recoverable
We are animals even if you feel guilty
Idiotized without having
Place to leave
I can't stop moving my feet
On streets that follow me
You don't see me relaxed, walking compulsively
Strong with problems trying to sleep
Due to high consumption of m/&
That was very difficult to digest
I don't want to continue every day
The same chronology
Always the same, your quiet life
Your crappy life
The sharp sounds bouncing in my head
The harshness that keeps you in a dormant state
Because the sound that reaches your ear is an
Annoying hum
You don't need this food
And I am wet because I can't
Stop jumping
And I don't dry out or stop
Because I have to respect
The miraculous, almighty base
I am a religious and I don't care about anything else
That praise constantly
On a permanent basis
To the blows that hit
And crash against my forehead
The treatment Michael Jackson found it
Instead of becoming much whiter}
He looked like an African (bis)
The miraculous base....