Anna Oxa fatelo con me

Normally it's easy because I don't scream
It lasts a long time it's guaranteed because I don't move
Do with me what he wants to do
Try with me stop dreaming
Do it with me Do it with me .
One tear and off the jacket is already gone
and the razor is almost sweet between your fingers
a stronger tear that marks the shoulders
you know well that the nylon cuts the skin
do it with me do it with me.
You will fight in secret for a better world
your sense of modesty will be strengthened
come on, do it with me, with me try on me, on me
try on me with my cover
with a newspaper clipping, one of my postcards
try on me, on me
do it with me I normally don't scream
do it with me normally I laugh
do with me what you want to do
try with me stop dreaming
do it with me do it with me