Bazo kaj dugaja

Kaj Dugaja
The tower is in my way
I have nothing to do
my feet stink
I smoke from my ass
Well, I'm riding with a fairy tale
sfukanm du konconst
I'm en kiflc
he's stuck to a pot
What are you riding with
little shits< br/>look how late the gears are
but the tires are flat
Sorry little guy
the fuck is looking at you
I hurt for you
you don't know that it is I'm gay
What's up
Strange radio station
we don't like it
it's ugly and it stinks
I'm gay without an exam
and I have a file< br/>they fucked me in the head
that's why I'd rather go and give
A guy comes to me
he's very high
he fucks me in the head
I just fuck him
He comes with a gang
they fucked me
I'm a guy with a bonfire
he's picking his teeth
I want to write a song
I have no talent
I'm going to the kurbnhaus
with descm tè ub tè
What is the cost?