Beaudommage la complainte du phoque en alaska

La Complainte Du Phoque En Alaska
Words and music: Michel Rivard
(c) 1974 by Éditions Bonté Divine
Capo III
1 Crémoé, crémoé not only going to Alaska
There's a seal who's bored in cursed
His girlfriend has gone to earn a living
In a circus in the United States
2 The seal is all alone, looking at the sun
Which is gently descending on the glacier
Thinking about the States while crying quietly
br/>That's how your girlfriend left you
R It's not worth leaving the ones you love
To go and run some balloons on his nose
It made the children laugh, it never lasts long,
It no longer makes anyone laugh when the children are older.
3 When the seal is bored , you look at his shiny hair
Like the streets of New York after the rain
I dream of Chicago, of Marilyn Monroe
I would like to see his girlfriend do a show
4 It's just a story I can't believe it
But sometimes I have the impression that it's funny
What's sitting on the ice with both hands in my face,
My love is gone and I'm bored.