Beautiful Nubia dear africa

We had a dream to build a great nation
We had a desire to rule the world
We lost our way and we should have turned around
But all we do is keep on going wrong
How many more years of sorrow will come?
How many more wars will we fight?
Dear Africa I'm worried for you
Come on and tell me, what (are) we going to do?
Tell me where we going to go for love?
Where we going to go for hope?
Show me how we going to live without justice
How we going to live together?
We've got the children scattered all over the world
They contribute to those economies
Back in the land the forest has become a desert
We shift the blame from one to the other
How much more blood are we going to shed?
How many more kids will go to war?
Dear Africa I'm down on my knees
Come on and tell me what (are) we going to do?
The sky is bright and the music is high
The spirits of our fathers returning home
Dear Africa give me some hope
Come on and tell me what (are) we going to do…