Bo Kaspers Orkester innan jag sa hej

I was thinking of sitting alone
Have an evening in peace and quiet
And even though I didn't want to
Come and sit at my table
It would дndе become nothing
It would just be like before
But before I could say hello
It was you who stood by me
And put the key in my then
And the next day I lied for a long time
And thought of a good answer
You want to have the cake
You want to Gonna keep it
But the room was my own temple
It was my beloved creep
But before I could say hello
Was it you who asked me< br/>If you could move in
And you came in with your new shoes
And with curtains and clothes
And I gained five six kilos
Pе food I never knew
I had said never again
I was going to tie the knot
But before I could say goodbye
Was I the one standing by you
And put the ring on your hand