Caspar Babypants im a nut

Im an acorn small and round lying on the cold cold ground
everyone walks over me that is why Im cracked you see
Im a nut I Im a nut Im a nut Im a nut
called myself on the telephone just to hear my golden tone
asked me out for a little date picked me up at half past eight
put on special party pants then I asked myself to dance
I said no then I said yes by now I think you have guessed
took myself to see a show wanted candy but said no
held my hand and kissed my cheek made a date to go next week
asked myself to marry me had to take some time to think
I know that I am the best called myself and I said yes
rainy sunday feeling bleak lets play a game of hide and seek
searched in the barn searched in a pit found myself and said youre it
got a bike its built for two me and me knew what to do
I sat in front I sat in back got so tired we took a nap
gravity has a tiny flaw one of me on the see saw
lucky I am so crazy so both of me can see saw see
left hand right hand not enough this pianos just to tough
but I have four hands I can do it solo no Im a duet
Im an acorn brown and sweet lying in the middle of the street
all the cars run over me so I run back to the big oak tree
Im a nut I Im a nut Im a nut Im a nut