Commentary! The Musical commentary reprise

- Neil?
- Felicia?
- You're not alone...
you're just kind of a douche
- We're here with you Neil
- Even me
- And we resolved all our problems!
- Just like that? I thought you were all...
- We only have three seconds left, everybody be happy
- YAY!
Hope you had fun
‘Cause now we're done
You've listened to every word
Seeing it through
Makes each of you
A huge f*cking nerd
But you're unfazed
By the maze of craze malaise
The lazy phrasing betrays
How well this pays
So there's a toast
To who suffered most
While we coasted through this
Here's the big finish
Where we build up the tension
And we get really quiet
Then we stop being quiet
And repeat the title – Commentary
Depressing shot