D.A.F die fesche lola

The little ones and the bad ones
The dashing Lola
I am the dashing lola. the favorite of the season. I have a pianola.
at home in my salon. I'm the dashing Lola. Everyone knows me.
but remember my pianola. I won't let anyone get to it. soy la lola salada. soy el
gran amor de la moda. tengo un pianola. en casa en mi salon. so la lola
salada. all men agree with me. pero mi pianola. nadie lo toca. i'm
the sexy lola. the darling of fashion. I have a piano. at home in
my drawing room. I'm the sexy lola. everybody knows me. but no one can
touch my pianola. W. Spelman's guitar. G. delgado-lopez vocals. text
marlene. c. haas synth. r. goerl drums synth.