Dany Brillant c est pas vrai

It's not true, it's not true
Don't tell me that you're going to leave me
That someone else after me will lay their fingers on you
Don't tell me That
It's not true, it's not true
After everything I've done for you
To heal my wound, my heart
br/>I'm going to throw myself in the garbage chute
It's not true, it's not true
Huh, you're saying that to laugh
The daisies I'll tell you I bought
Have faded
It's not true, it's not true
Without you I'll die of boredom
With whom at night
I'm going to play rummy in bed
Rummy in bed?
That's not true, that's not true
Sit down, I'll make you some coffee
I don't need you
But it would be better if you were here
It's not true, it's not true
Tell me we're going to start again
You said you loved me, you said 'grandpa' too
That's what you said
It's not true, it's not true
Who will tell me if my hair is good?
If I have to shave
Or if it can go
Yeah that...can go there
Yeah it's not true, it's not true
I don't know if I could wake up
If you're not here to tell me
Dany get up
br/>'Dany get up'
Yeah it's not true, it's not true
It's not true, it's not true
It's not true, it's not true
Yeah no it's not true, it's not true
No no no no no it's not true
Yeah it's not true, it's 's not true
Yeah no it's not true, it's not true
No it's not true, it's not true
It's not true, it's not true
No no no no no no no it's not true
Yeah no it's not true, it's not true