Disney sta paraat

Stand ready
I don't trust hyenas one bit
And they are cowards, and they laugh irritatingly
But maybe they still have talents after all
Dependent as they are on my mind
Even if your brain doesn't work properly
It functions only once in a while
Prick your ears if possible
It's a matter of honor
You're just sitting there looking absently
The light isn't on up there
If I have to I'll even walk over dead bodies
Your kind must even exist of it
Get ready ready for the choice of your life
Be ready for something unparalleled new
I will lead you
To better times
And what is our advantage?
Well, listen and judge
To show my gratitude
I will reward you
When I finally get what I want
And am freed from injustice and reproach
Stand ready
Yes, stand ready. Well, we're ready. For what?
Before the king's death
What do you mean? Is he sick?
No, idiot, we're going to kill him, and Simba too
Good idea! Down with the king!
Down with the king, lalalalalala
Idiots! There will be a king
But you said that
I will be king
Stay with me
And there will never be more hunger
Yes! Crazy! Long live the king
Long live the king
How nice that our interests are now being taken into account with a little more care
And I in turn may demand
that you do your duty don't forget
The future offers prizes to everyone
And I'll be at the front of the queue
I have to point this out
You won't get a thing done without me
Stand ready for the day of retribution
Be ready for this devilish plan
Oh la la la
After years of waiting
Vengeance at last
with revenge in mind
O , how good
now comes the moment yes
This time
that I am recognized yes
As king of the animals
A name that will adorn < br/>I will show what I can do
For a lion is capable of anything
Be ready
Together we are capable of anything.
Stand ready