Edith Piaf embrasse moi

VS'? Was it in a district of the city Lumi? Re
O? Is it still dark where? There is never any air
And winter like? T? L? It's still winter
She? Was on the stairs
Him? VS? T? From her her? VS? T? From him
That? Shut up the night
And she said to him
Here it's dark
There is no air
Winter like? T? It's still winter
The sun of the good Lord does not shine from our hearts? T?
He has too much? Do in the rich neighborhoods
Hold me in your arms
Kiss me
Kiss me for a long time
Kiss me
Later it will be too late
Our life is now
Here we create? V' of everything
From hot to cold
We g? The we? Tuft
We have no air
If you stopped kissing me
It seems to me that I would die? Touff? E
You're fifteen, I'm fifteen
Both of us? At thirty
At thirty we are no longer children
We have the right to work
We have the right to kiss
Later it will be too late
Our life is now
Kiss me