Eisbrecher schock

My life couldn't be better
And suddenly you're running into my knife
You say I don't have the courage to live
I don't think my life is good for you< br/>You say you will be punished for my cowardice
And whoever comes late remains enslaved in freedom
It's all about sex, power and money
Aren't we all big too bad for the world
Shock! Shock my system!
You think I like to feel safe
What do you fantasize about justice
You think you're destroyed by my stupidity
You say we're all too fat, fed up, corrupt
You haven't known who you trust for a long time
You say you'll only go home with the gun
Fuck Che Guevara and the revolution
That sounds pretty nice We already had
You say you know it won't be easy
You ask yourself whether you still have enough strength
To walk this path alone
It's up to you
Whether you stay true to yourself
And don't give up when you fall
To stand against the rest of the world