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The Admission Screening Exercise Grade of
Marks and Points Calculation Admission
Screening Exercise Grade of Marks and Points
Summation For University Admission Of
Recommended Candidates is a point system
will be used for admission screening into
Nigerian tertiary institutions for the 2016/2017
academic session. This was agreed upon by
stakeholders in the education section. The
agreement and modalities for the admission
screening was later released and published by
Admission Screening Exercise Candidates are to
know that Submitting two WAEC/NECO/GCE
results (i.e two sittings) is no longer the same
with submitting one sitting for admission.
Candidates who submit O'level at one sitting
have an advantage over their counterparts with
two sittings. It will contribute ti your total points
that determines if you meet the cut-off marks.
Admission Screening Exercise Grade of Marks
and Points Calculation
Admission Screening Exercise Grade of Marks
and Points Summation For University
Admission, the new admission system,
admission would depend on the grades, marks
and points of the candidate calculated using
their O'level results (subjects grades) and their
JAMB score.
How To Calculate Admission Screening Exercise
Grade of Marks and Points Calculation
Step 1: Any candidate who submits only one
result which contains his/her relevant subjects
already has 10 points. The exam could be
NECO, WASSCE, November/December WASSCE
etc, but any candidate who has two sittings
only gets 2 points.
O'level Results With One Sittings u003d 10
O'level Results With Two Sittings u003d 2
Step 2: O' Level Grade Points: Each grade
would have it equivalent point; Au003d6 marks, Bu003d4
marks, Cu003d3 marks while D-Fu003d0 marks
equivalent to No Marks.
Au003d6 marks.
Bu003d4 marks.
Cu003d3 marks.
Du003d0 marks.
Eu003d0 marks.
Fu003d0 marks.
Step 3: UTME Scores Points: Where each score
range has its equivalent point which can be
summarised thus, 180-200u003d20-23 marks,
200-250u003d24-33 points, 251-300u003d34-43,
300-400u003d44-60 points.
JAMB Scoreu003dPoints
180-200u003d20-23 points.
200-250u003d24-33 points.
251-300u003d34-43 points.
300-400u003d44-60 points
Note: For example a candidate with 180-185
gets 20 points, while a candidate with 186-190
gets 21 points.
Please be informed that FEES WILL STILL BE
CHARGED for the screening exercise. Also,
catchment and educationally less-developed
state would still be used for admission from the
2016/2017 academic session.
Illustration Of Admission Screening Exercise
Grade of Marks and Points Calculation
SITTINGS: O'level subjects in one sitting, you
have 10 points there already, while any
candidate who has two sittings only gets 2
O'LEVEL: Assume a candidate has 2 A, 2 Bs
and 4 Cs in your O'level result (WAEC/NECO/
GCE), it would be calculated as follows;
(2×6) + (2×4) + (4×3) u003d 12 + 8 + 12 u003d 32
JAMB SCORE: Assume a candidate has JAMB
score of 200 in JAMB, you have 24 Points
Admission Screening Exercise Grade of Marks
and Points Calculation Summation of
everything, gives
POINT u003d Admission Screening Exercise Result
Calculated Total Point for Admission is now 10
+ 32 + 24 u003d66 Points.
Now, it totally depends on the admission cut-off
mark for the course if it requirement is not
more than the attained points to have a high
chance of getting adm