Fobia hoy tengo miedo

Today I'm afraid
To go out again
I'm afraid to find you
Like that time
My nerves betray me
I'm defeated by stress
I know I may regret it later
Today I am afraid
Of going out to look for you
I am afraid
Of being able to find you
I am afraid of your eyes
I'm afraid to talk
I'm afraid of wanting to kiss you
I tell myself don't be stupid
Don't be so skeptical
Don't try to escape
Today I'm afraid< br/>To dance again
I'm afraid
That you might make fun of me
I'm afraid of people
I don't want to drive
I'm afraid that I might like it
Today I am afraid
Of going out again
I am afraid
Of falling again
They make me afraid
The lies, I no longer have faith
I have afraid
Of believing again
And I say don't be stupid
Don't be so skeptical
Don't try to escape
Not everyone is so bad
Not everything is bad
Not everyone is a villain
Wanting to kill you
Not everything is lost
Nor is it going to end
Life is a picnic
br/>Not everyone is so bad
Not everything is bad
Not everyone is a villain
Wanting to kill you
Not all is lost
Nor is it going to end
Life is a picnic
And I say don't be stupid
Don't be so skeptical
Don't try to escape
Not everyone is so bad
Not everything is bad
Not everyone is a villain
Wanting to kill you
Not everything is lost
Nor is it going to end
Life is a picnic
Not everyone is so bad
Not everything is bad
Not everyone is a villain
Wanting to kill you
All is not lost
Nor is it going away to end
Life is a picnic