Franco Battiato il cammino interminabile

If you want to know your thoughts
From yesterday look at your body today
If you want to know how you will be tomorrow
Look at your thoughts today
We think when we fall down
And we both saw each other and we left
This new friend doesn't know anything
He doesn't know where the lovers have been
The Turks took me inside the heart
A treachery steals my love
ââ€~~Nzignat me the way before it is dark
That these pacts stand behind and the walls
If I don't hide On the ground or on the bed
Like worms, I've already eaten everything
If I don't hide in the ground ‬into the bed
Run and get tired ‬the horse ‬in Monreali
‬The time is running out †~~n ci pinzari
Even if they are tired of singing
On time
I spent it between pains and torments
The pains of the hell on nothing