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[Verse 1]
Small girl but she acts big
Don't know what grown up is but I think I act like one. Friends often bully her at school. What are you going to play with Barbie dolls? Are you still a virgin or something? And she is ashamed to death
So she changes everything about herself otherwise she feels worthless
She sees that her buddy smokes, so she says let me too
But is she going to say that? what if he immediately starts smoking pot? She doesn't know what confirmation is, but she is looking for it, looking for peace. How will she find that under peer pressure? Everything she cherishes she has to let it go
Becomes ashamed of her mother's kisses
Twelve years old, lipstick face full of powder
Sad, because she feels like she has to do this
Losing herself for the popularity
Yes she can almost taste it
Girl take it easy
Take it easy
Take it easy
Take it easy
Girl take it easy
Take it easy
Take it easy
Girl take it easy
[Verse 2]
Fourteen, sends pictures to boys
Boys type back saying I want to see more
Now she is standing in front of the mirror taking pictures of her bare ass. Sends those photos and in no time those photos are going around
With her name and number, she doesn't know what's happening to her. Everyone calls and gives her a big mouth anonymously
Shit, and now she's walking across the schoolyard
And people look at her like how can you be like that?
It hurts her so much pain, she feels so small
Doesn't want to be at school anymore, miss, I have a headache
It continues at home, daddy is coming too
So she leaves and calls a friend of mine wants to be stoned
Comfort me, I'm coming I'll be there shortly
But he treats her like a dime a dozen
So they hang out in his room and it turns out he has condoms bee. Shit, girl, take it easy..
Take it easy
Take it easy
Take it easy
Girl, take it easy
Take it easy on
Take it easy
Girl, take it easy
[Verse 3]
She lives on her own while she is not independent
Is unwise and is only concerned with men
/>The village where she lives feels like a prison
Her reputation catches up with her, she is known for being easy
Sixteen years old and pregnant and she doesn't know who the daddy is
And while she is pregnant she is on cannabis
Alone in her room she realizes that she misses mommy
If I hadn't stolen from home I would never have ended up in this place
Shit, who still likes me
God if you exist, is there anyone here who still supports me?
She goes crazy while smoking weed, she hears voices in her head
She has robbed herself of her own youth
And the idea She doesn't mind becoming a mother
What did I do to deserve this, what have I done wrong?
Now she starts drinking, this could go wrong
She will have a miscarriage
Take it easy
Take it easy
Take it easy
Girl take it easy
Take it easy
Take it easy
Girl take it easy< br/>