Hypnotic Clambake 11th chapter saloon

If you can't afford a bus, then walk!
If there's nothing to discuss, don't talk!
If you life's a game of craps
Then perhaps it's time to go to
The 11th Chapter Saloon
If your assets are all frozen, tough luck!
Don't go a moping, cheer up!
Take the change out of our sock
'Cause just around the block
Is the 11th Chapter Saloon
Bankruptcy, credit rating shot
I guess it's about time to sell the yacht
If you and your dog are sharing the same bone
Why don't you come on down
The party just started
Many pretty faces at the 11th Chapter Saloon
People of all races at the 11th Chapter Saloon
I don't know what to do,
I guess it doesn't really matter
Hey bartender another shot of whiskey
So I can fill my bladder
I'm going on a diet
'Cause food I just can't buy it
Remembering the days when I was a tycoon
You'll find me at
The 11th Chapter Saloon